DEADLINE: November 17th, 23:59 Rome/Europe time.

Complete the following challenges from Bioinformatics Stronghold:
fibd, mrna, lia, prtm, lcsm, tran, cons, perm,revp, splc

Register to this Hackerrank contest and solve the two challenges in the contest.

Create a GitHub repository and upload the code for each exercise on a separate python file. Submit the Github repository link on Google Classroom qazymsj.

Github Repository

Properly deliver the assignment with a repository looking like this one:

Statistics on the assignment evaluation

Mistake that I want to highlight:

  1. Do not use the same repo for the same assignment (2)
  2. The input should be read from a file or from a string (or similar). Do not use input() if many inputs are requested by the exercise
  3. Add to the repository all the scripts included in your programs otherwise I cannot evaluate the exercise (the program does not run). For instance, one of you always used rosalind_utils

Percentage of success per exercises

ex. denominationfibdmrnaliaprtmlcsmtranconspermrevpsplcmaxmark
% correct888810010052608410064648080

In view of the oral interview, I suggest to check again (using rosalind downloadable test files) that your solution is correct and respect the parameter above.

Overall statistics of the assignment

88% > 18
20% 30
44% “>avg”
36% “<avg”